How To Boost Google Places Ranking For Your Business

Screenshot Of Google with reference to Google Places optimizationAre you interested in boosting your Google Places ranking? Well, this is about highlighting some very simple steps to help you towards achieving that objective. And most importantly, you can consistently receive quality traffic to your site through the search engines.

For a business to optimise its Google Places ranking, there are certainly some very simple things to do properly. Some businesses make a few basic errors which can be avoided:

Screenshot showing Google Places ranking business listings

One important thing to avoid is not to include any irrelevant keywords or unnecessary characters in your Google Places Account profile.

Your business original phone number must be entered in your profile without any tracking numbers or anything else included.  The domain name entered should be your company’s URL.  This is stating the obvious, but a lot of businesses don’t carry out this simple steps.

Besides, the business name should not change in your profile.  The original name must be entered.  However if your domain name consists of a keyword specifically relating to your business, then that’s great!  The reason being, Google reward ‘keyword-relevant’ domain names. So, it’s definitely a way to boost your Google Places optimisation.

Another important means to improve your Google Places ranking is to include the exact category, description, photos and other details of your business in your profile.  When choosing categories, try to pick as many as possible that in any way relate to your business.

Make the business description unique, informative and professional. Including a picture of the business building or the interior is another great idea.  And when filling out the details of the business, try not to stuff keywords in there and just make it as informative as possible.

Every little line is important and must be filled in to truly optimise your Google Places ranking for your business.  Assuming there are five or six category spots in your Google Places profile, then you should fill them all in, no matter what.  Leaving lines blank will only affect your ranking status. Then after everything is filled out, check again just to make sure the information provided is accurate and not conflicting.

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