How To Profitably Create A Landing Page

To rapidly achieve healthy sales and profits from online advertising, you need to create a powerful landing page. By simply linking prospects to a single sales  page on your site that’s relevant to an ad campaign, could indeed produce high level of success.

One major online advertising error by some businesses is linking targeted audience to a homepage.  I’ve once been there myself and it cost me dearly. The average Bounce Rate on my site was even affected as a result.  But why is linking visitors (from an advert) to a homepage the wrong move?….

Mainly because a homepage usually contains general information ….is just not specific or relevant enough to an ad campaign.  (A landing page on the other hand is quite the opposite and therefore produces much better success rate).

A man pointing at a computer screen - landing page tracking result demo

So, how can you create a landing page for an ad campaign to optimise profits?  Here are 5 major tips……

(1) Create A Magnetic Title –  Make your landing page title speak emotionally to your audience by clearly stating the main benefit of your product or service.   A powerful page headline simply engages and motivates your prospects to find out more!  For instance if you are selling fitness videos, communicate the most important benefit of your fitness program (in your headline) to potential buyers.

(2) Create List Of Benefits –  Provide a breakdown on your landing page of the key benefits relating to your offer.   Benefits produce sales…not features!   By outlining this to your audience will lead to emotional and psychological trigger that could make them instantly buy from you.  For example, you can clearly add bold text, underscore, asterisks or bullet points to your benefit listing.

(3) Focus On The Prospects –  Create a landing page primarily for your audience, not yourself.  In my time online, I’ve seen so many long winded sales pages where sellers say far too much about themselves.   And not focusing on the needs of their target market.   Of course, it’s good to write about your business credibility or life experiences to develop initial rapport with prospects.   But keep it to a minimum and your profits can really skyrocket.

(4) Create Call To Action –  A landing page without a call to action is a very costly mistake in business.  You must lead your prospects to act upon the information you provide.  For example, instruct them to click an order button and purchase your stuff.   Make the order button highly visible on your landing page.  In the process, strongly remind prospects of how and why your offer is beneficial to them to effectively close the deal.

(5) Provide Ad Copy Relevance – It’s crucial to create a landing page that is highly relevant to an ad campaign and your target market.  You have probably heard this several times before.  But it’s definitely worth emphasising.  Because if visitors click a link in your ad that directs them to a relevant landing page, they are more likely to stick around (but most importantly there’s a good chance they’ll make a purchase).

I hope you find this information valuable on how to create a landing page to boost your sales and profit margins. You can check out further information here about optimising  Website Conversion Rate.  Until next time!

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