Video Marketing Key Traffic Methods to Skyrocket Sales!

Local Business Video MarketingWhether you already have a video for your local business or you are considering the idea as part of your marketing strategies, you need hot traffic to your video. There are of course a number of ways out there to achieve this. But here are 2 major traffic methods to skyrocket video conversions.

Firstly if you want to know more about producing, optimising and using local Video Marketing strategies to boost your business, there’s a related post via the link above.

Now let’s discuss video marketing traffic generation and the following are 2 key methods:

Method 1  –  Generate Video SEO (Free Traffic)

As they say online, you need highly targeted traffic to effectively generate leads, customers and sales. With that in mind, let me outline how to achieve high converting free traffic with videos….

Implement the power of video SEO:
You can acquire free organic traffic by ranking your video on the internet search engines like Google. This is what’s known as video SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). It’s about optimising your business for relevant keywords on the search engines. So, when people search on Google (using your business type keywords), they can find your relevant video and offers. This is what we call targeted free traffic that can highly turn into leads and sales….

Local Business Video Marketing

Discover relevant local keywords:
The point is to research on exactly what keywords your target market will search for online to find you. Then rank your videos for those keywords to acquire free organic SEO traffic. You can use ‘Google Keyword Planner’ to do your marketing research on relevant search phrases.

Using a local Dentist as an example…. 

People searching on the internet for a Dentist could use keywords such as Emergency Dentist (+ Area Name), Need a Dentist (+ Area Name), Top Dentist in (+ Area Name), Dentist (+Area Name), Best Cosmetic Dentist in (+ Area Name). Following this example as a guide, you can use ‘Google Keyword Planner’ to find relevant keyword phrases for your own Video SEO rankings. Don’t just rely on keyword research tools. Because sometimes a keyword may appear in a keyword research tool as if people are not searching for it, but in reality that’s not the case. Therefore I strongly recommend you also ask your customers what keyword phrases they searched for on the internet to find you.

Acquire video SEO high rankings:
You usually need to do 2 important things to highly rank on the search engines. (1) Add and keyword-optimise your video inside your Youtube account – known as ‘On Page’ optimisation. (2) Then add and promote your video on other industry relevant websites, social media sites, video platforms, classified sites, authority sites etc. This marketing process links your video viewers back to your website – known as ‘Off Page’ optimisation.

Prepare for unpredictable results:
Video SEO offers both short and long term free traffic which can sometimes be unpredictable to achieve – depending on your keyword competition. Try optimising (as much as possible) for low and medium competition keyword phrases. Also optimise for those with decent amount of search volumes. Remember, you can discover relevant keyword phrases by asking your customers what phrases they searched for on the internet to find you and by using ‘Google Keyword Planner’ tool. The less your business competition for a keyword phrase, the sooner your video ranks high on search engines (like Google). Thus, the faster you start getting free traffic that convert into paying customers.

Method 2  –  Generate Video Adwords (Paid Traffic)

You can also generate highly targeted traffic through video advertising. A great way to achieve this is with Google Video Adwords PPC (Pay Per Click). Your video ad could appear on Youtube or across the Google Display Network (GDN). You only pay when people click or view your video. You have to set up your Video Adwords campaign through your Youtube account and as you may not already know, Google own Youtube.

Pay to start getting fast results:
The best thing about this paid traffic method is that you get to generate targeted traffic fast! You would just need to set up your ad with an affordable daily budget for quick ongoing returns. In fact, you can set up your video advertising campaign on a particular day and possibly start seeing results on the same day. Unlike video SEO, paying for traffic could provide predictable results. Advertising through Google Video Adwords is also dirt cheap. So, for even one single video ad campaign you could in no time be getting quality leads, customers and sales.

Local Business Video Advertising

Regularly be testing your ads:
Make sure you test, track and do more testing on your ad campaigns. This way, you get to discover what’s not working in order to make improvements leading to more successful campaigns.

Laser target the right viewers:
Google Video Adwords actually offers you the ability to supremely laser target your traffic including demographics, interests, categories, locations etc. So, take full advantage of these resources when setting up your video advertising campaign via your Youtube account.

Be focused on maximising ROI:
Ensure you use relevant keywords and a well scripted professional marketing video together with this top quality traffic method. You will therefore regularly generate a very healthy ROI (Return On Investment). Remember, this method is very cheap and provides the opportunity to boost your sales fast!

There are 2 main types of Google Video Adwords: They are called TrueView Discovery Ads and In-stream Ads.

TrueView Discovery Ads – This displays your video commercial on Youtube search result pages or other websites within the Google Display Network. You will only pay each time someone clicks on your video to view it. No clicks, no pay!

TrueView In-stream Ads – This streams or auto-plays your video commercial inside another video. In other words, your video ad appears and plays automatically inside another video that’s hidden in the background. Viewers have choices: (1) They could keep viewing your video ad and link directly to your offers. (2) Alternatively, viewers could ‘skip’ your ad and watch the main video hidden in the background….

You will only pay each time your video is viewed for more than 30 seconds or viewed entirely – whichever comes first. People clicking on your video (during play) will be sent directly to your chosen website landing page. But the great thing is when someone views your video (in less than 30 seconds of play or skips it during play), it’s free of charge! So, you could very easily be getting free publicity for your business through your ‘In-stream’ Ads.

My Final Words….

Applying local Video Marketing is indeed very valuable in terms of generating business. And when you effectively implement these 2 traffic methods for your video, you can certainly ramp up your sales. See further information from the link above. Feel free to leave a comment.

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