Why Using Retargeting Strategy in Your Ad Campaigns is Very Important

Retargeting Ads Strategy - Info for local businessesAs a local business owner, you are probably looking for proven, tried and tested ways to maximise your revenue from your advertising efforts. And you may have heard all this buzz about how businesses are killing it with ‘retargeting’ strategy. But maybe you are not exactly sure about what is ‘retargeting’ and why you must use it in your ad campaigns.

Retargeting (also known as remarketing) is a way of repeatedly connecting with your website visitors who exit your site without making a purchase or enquiry. For example, people that have already seen your advert and then visited your website without taking a purchasing action will afterwards be automatically reminded of your offer…

The more your prospective customers are automatically followed up online with your offer (which they have seen already), the better your conversions.

Furthermore, Why Use Retargeting Ads Strategy?

Retargeting Advertising Campaigns - Info for Local Businesses

Here are very good reasons why you should apply retargeting in your ad campaigns:

Achieve More Sales

This is probably the main reason why as a local business owner you should choose to try retargeting ads. Think about it. When you advertise, there are people that have shown interest in your offer but maybe do not know much about your business and therefore they are not converted into sales. So, when you use retargeting ads to entice these people, not only are you trying to increase revenue, but the chances of increasing that revenue are even better. These are after all, prospective customers that have already taken the time to visit your website, so they are even more likely to take the plunge and actually buy into your offer.

Generate More Leads

When it comes to marketing a business, most of us know what it’s like to cold call someone. It can feel hopeless and as though it’s not going to get the desired results. But retargeting is different. Using retargeting ads isn’t cold-calling. It’s like contacting someone that actually contacted you first. And when that is the situation, you are much more likely to make the sale because they have already expressed interest in what you are offering. That’s a vital reason to start using retargeting ads strategy to maximise results.

Increase Brand Awareness

This benefit is one that’s usually listed as a benefit of advertising, no matter what the form. But it’s even more true in terms of retargeting ads. Studies have shown that it takes seven impressions, or seven times a customer has heard about you or seen your name before they convert into an actual customer. But retargeting ads can drastically reduce that time frame. With these ads, the odds are better that when a customer needs a product or service, they will at first think of you. Not only have they already visited your website, but they have also seen an ad for your product or service after visiting. That increases brand awareness, and that means more profit for your business.

Acquire Some Insights

One of the lesser-known benefits of retargeting ads is that it enables you to understand where customers go after they leave your site. Imagine acquiring the most hits from retargeting in connection with Facebook ads. Your customers are likely going there after leaving your site. Imagine capturing leads from retargeting ads on the Google network after they have left your site. That’s also where your customers are. Retargeting lets you achieve this in a way that regular advertising just cannot do.

Advertise Affordably

Advertising online is not all that expensive. But you can make it even cheaper by using retargeting strategy over other types of online marketing. When you broadcast an ad out there, you are hoping that someone is going to grab hold of it and listen to its message and you could be spending advertising money advertising to people that are not just going to listen to the message. But when you use retargeting ads strategy, you have a much better chance that the money invested in advertising is going to be put to work for you to the maximum because this is repeatedly targeting people that have already seen and shown an interest in what you are providing.

Conclusion – Setting Up Retargeting Ad

You now see why applying retargeting strategy in relation to online advertising campaigns is absolutely crucial. When it comes down to maximising return on investment, this really provides a great opportunity to do so.

You can set this up yourself if you do online advertising through ad campaign platforms (like Google, Facebook, Bing etc), as they provide the facility to perform this task. You simply log into your Ad Management platform and generate a tracking code for your advert. Then paste the tracking code on your website to activate a retargeting ad campaign.

Once a retargeting campaign is activated, prospects seeing your advert and landing on your website will automatically be tracked. Your offer will then automatically be re-displayed to the people who have previously viewed it or visited your website expressing their interest. Feel free to contact us with any questions about this. In addition, if you would really like to quickly get customers with powerful results-driven Online Press Releases, then link to our blog post here. Best wishes!

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